Getting Started with Gretel

Welcome to Gretel! I’m Alex Watson, co-founder and CPO at Gretel. We're excited that you are interested in learning more about the benefits of synthetic data.

I’m thrilled to introduce you to Gretel’s first learning pathway (LP), a modular self-serve course on how to use Gretel. This specific series is titled: Sharing Tabular Data with Privacy Guarantees. It will provide comprehensive guidance and insights on how you can leverage Gretel’s tabular model with differential privacy to generate high quality synthetic data that is private by design.

To kick things off, let’s introduce you to Gretel Console…

That’s all you need to get started! Once you’ve created a free account in Gretel Console and installed the CLI/SDK, you’re on your way to creating synthesizer models that generate high quality data that’s accurate and private by design.

Thanks for joining Gretel, if you have any questions, drop us a line at or reach out to us in the Synthetic Data Community. Take care, and happy synthesizing.


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Getting Started with Gretel
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Your First Job: Gretel TabDP
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