Gretel Workflows

Integrate synthetics into your data pipelines.

Gretel Workflows enables developers to build scheduled synthetic data pipelines that connect directly to data sources and destinations.
Gretel Model Creation Workflow

Your end-to-end synthetic data generation tools all in one platform

  • Pre-built data source connectors

    Connect to popular cloud providers, data warehouses, and databases in a few clicks.

  • Configurable scheduling for data generation

    Schedule synthetic data generation on a fixed cadence or on-demand.

  • Combinable synthetic data models

    Chain together multiple synthetic data models and data transformations to design data that meet your needs.

  • Verifiable data quality

    Ensure data accuracy and privacy confidently with expert-grade reports.

Rapidly expanding support of popular data types

Synthesize unstructured text, think human language and chatbots.

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Synthesize time-series data, think sensors and financial data.

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