Pricing that scales with you
Synthetic data for everyone
- 100K+ highest-quality synthetic records using Gretel Workflows
- or 2M+ Transform records
- or 2M+ PII detection records
- or 1.5 million characters using the Gretel Navigator inference API
(~ 15,000 records or 600 pages of text)
Upgrade to power your most critical use cases
Frequently asked questions
What is a credit?
A credit is a simple unit measuring platform consumption. For our bulk generation and training jobs using Gretel Workflows 1 credit is equal to 5 minutes of cloud or local API duration. For inference jobs using Gretel Navigator, pricing is calculated based off of input and output characters, with 1 credit equal to 100k characters.
How are credits calculated?
For Gretel Workflows, credit usage is based on the duration from the time you issue an API call until the point your tasks terminate, rounded up to the nearest minute. Each minute of API duration bills as 1/5th of a credit for cloud or local compute.
For the Gretel Navigator Inference API, credits are calculated based off of the total number of input and output characters, with one credit equal to 100k characters.
Do credits roll over?
The free credits included in your subscription are reset each month and do not roll over.
How can I view my monthly usage?
Customers can view their API usage in the Console, including credits used and remaining, at daily granularity. Gretel will automatically email customers when they have used 75% and 100% of their monthly subscription credits.
What if I go over my free monthly credits?
For additional credits beyond the free 15 month credits, please contact sales.
How many Gretel worker instances can I run concurrently?
Gretel’s cloud and local on-premises workers are built to scale linearly, so you can scale concurrent containers to meet your needs. By default, each Getting Started account is limited to 2 concurrent workers. This limit is applied across the entire account and are not per user.Â