Gretel Transform

Detect and Remove PII
in Free Text

Data anonymization tools leverage flexible rule based data transformations to  
anonymize and protect your data so you can share it safely.
Key benefits

Data anonymization tools are your first line of defense for keeping sensitive information safe.

  • Fast

    Experience blazing fast run-times to get through large-scale datasets in minutes.

  • Flexible

    Detect most PII types out-of-the-box and define custom entity types for advanced enterprise workflows.

  • Modular

    Leverage Transform for de-identification before synthetic data generation for the gold standard of privacy protection.

  • Scalable

    Skip the need for manual file handling by leveraging scalable API-driven workflows.


Power real-time workflows

Gretel Transform connects to your popular data sources with pre-built connectors or integrates directly into your data pipelines through our API, enabling sensitive data protection in real-time.
Build your first workflow
Beyond De-Identification

Validate synthetic data quality

Generate synthetic data that meets quality expectations by leveraging Gretel Transform. Apply business rules before or after synthetic data generation to automatically remove low quality records and ensure outputs align with unique format and business constraints.

Write transform policies with declarative configs

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