What is Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)?

Retrieval Augmented Generation Definition

Retrieval augmented generation is a combination of two key approaches in natural language processing: retrieval-based methods and generation-based methods. These approaches are often used in the context of conversational agents, question answering systems, and other applications involving natural language understanding and generation. Read on to learn more about how to implement retrieval augmented generation, retrieval augmented generation applications, and more.

Retrieval Augmented Generation FAQs

What is Retrieval Augmented Generation?

Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) aims to leverage the strengths of both retrieval-based and generation-based approaches:

  • Retrieval-based methods: These systems rely on pre-existing knowledge or a database of information to respond to user queries. When a user inputs a query, the system retrieves relevant information from its knowledge base and presents it as a response. This approach efficiently provides accurate and factual responses but may struggle with generating creative or novel content.
  • Generation-based methods: On the other hand, these systems focus on generating responses from scratch. They often use techniques like neural language models to create human-like text. Generation-based models have the advantage of being able to produce diverse and creative responses but may struggle with factual accuracy and consistency.

In this hybrid approach, a retrieval system is used to fetch relevant information from a knowledge base, and a generation model, then refines or expands upon this retrieved information to produce a more contextually appropriate and fluent response. This combination can potentially result in responses that are both factually accurate and linguistically sophisticated.

The integration of retrieval and generation techniques is often seen as a way to address the limitations of each approach individually. It allows systems to benefit from the structured information available in a knowledge base while still having the flexibility to generate human-like responses. This approach has been applied in various natural language processing tasks, including dialogue systems, question answering, and content creation.

How Does Retrieval Augmented Generation Work?

The key idea behind retrieval-augmented generation is to leverage the strengths of both retrieval and generation approaches. The retrieval step provides a solid foundation of relevant information, addressing concerns related to factual accuracy. The generation step then allows for flexibility and creativity in producing a response that goes beyond the retrieved information. Here's a high-level overview of how the combination of retrieval and generation works:

  • Retrieval:
    • Input Query: The system receives a user query or prompt.
    • Retrieval Model: A retrieval model, which is often based on information retrieval techniques or pre-existing knowledge bases, is used to identify and retrieve relevant information or documents related to the input query. This retrieved information serves as the initial context for the generation step.
    • Candidate Pool: The retrieval model might return a set of candidate responses or passages that are deemed relevant to the input query.
  • Generation:
    • Generation Model: A generation model, often based on neural language models like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), takes the retrieved information and refines it or generates additional content to form a coherent and contextually appropriate response.
    • Context Fusion: The retrieved information and the initial context are combined with the generation model's context, creating a fused context that is used for generating the final output.
    • Response Generation: The generation model then produces a response based on the fused context. This response is generated from scratch, allowing the system to add creative and contextually appropriate elements to the retrieved information.
  • Post-Processing:
    • The generated response may undergo post-processing steps to ensure coherence, fluency, and adherence to specific constraints or guidelines.

This hybrid approach is particularly useful in tasks where a system needs to understand user queries, retrieve relevant information from a knowledge base, and generate human-like responses that are contextually relevant and fluent. It has been applied in various natural language processing tasks, including chatbots, question answering systems, and dialogue generator models.

Figure 1. The above image shows an end-to-end RAG model pipeline, including the underlying logic from user prompt to response.

How to Use Retrieval Augmented Generation for Machine Learning

Creating a retrieval augmented generation architecture for machine learning involves several steps, including data collection, pre-processing, model architecture design, training, and evaluation. Here’s how to use retrieval augmented generation:

  • Data Collection: Gather a dataset that includes pairs of queries or prompts and their corresponding responses. For retrieval-augmented generation, you'll need a dataset that also includes relevant context or passages associated with each query.
  • Pre-processing: Tokenize and clean the text data; Create a knowledge base or index for efficient retrieval, and associate each query with relevant context.
  • Model Architecture: Choose or design a retrieval model to fetch relevant information from the knowledge base. Common methods include TF-IDF, BM25, or more advanced techniques like neural retrievers (e.g., dense retrieval models); Choose or design a generation model for creative response generation. This could be a pre-trained language model like GPT or a custom-designed neural generation architecture.
  • Integration: Combine the retrieval and generation models. This could involve feeding the retrieved information as context to the generation model.
  • Training: Pre-train the retrieval model on the knowledge base; Pre-train the generation model on a language modeling task using a diverse corpus; Fine-tune both models jointly on your specific RAG dataset.
  • Loss Function: Define an appropriate loss function that combines both retrieval and generation objectives. This might involve a combination of retrieval loss (e.g., ranking loss for retrieval) and generation loss (e.g., language modeling loss for generation).
  • Evaluation: Evaluating retrieval augmented generation involves evaluating the model on relevant metrics such as retrieval accuracy, fluency, coherence, and other task-specific metrics; Use human evaluators to assess the quality of the generated responses.
  • Iterate: Refine your model based on evaluation results; Iterate through training, fine-tuning, and evaluation until satisfactory performance is achieved.
  • Deployment: Once satisfied with the model's performance, deploy it for use in the desired application.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Continuously monitor the model's performance in real-world scenarios; Update the knowledge base and retrain the model periodically to adapt to changing data distributions or user needs.

Retrieval Augmented Generation vs Fine Tuning?

Fine-tuning is a training strategy where a pre-trained model, often a large-scale language model like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), is further trained on a specific task or domain with task-specific data. The goal is to adapt the pre-trained model to the specific characteristics of the target task.

RAG and Fine Tuning are two different concepts in the context of machine learning, particularly natural language processing (NLP). Here’s a comparison of the two:

  • Focus
    • RAG: Focuses on combining information retrieval and generation to address both factual accuracy and creative response generation.
    • Fine Tuning: Focuses on adapting a pre-trained model to a specific task or domain.
  • Training Approach
    • RAG: Involves training separate retrieval and generation models and integrating them.
    • Fine Tuning: Involves fine-tuning a pre-trained model on task-specific data.
  • Use Cases
    • RAG: Often used in tasks like question answering, dialogue generation, and content creation where a combination of factual accuracy and creative generation is required.
    • Fine Tuning: Commonly applied when a pre-trained model needs to be adapted to a specific application, such as sentiment analysis or named entity recognition.
  • Data Requirement
    • RAG: Requires a dataset with pairs of queries, retrieved information, and corresponding generated responses.
    • Fine Tuning: Requires task-specific data for fine-tuning the pre-trained model.

In some cases, these approaches may be used together. For example, a retrieval augmented generation model might utilize a pre-trained language model that has been fine-tuned for a specific domain or task. The choice between these approaches depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of the NLP task at hand.

What are Some Retrieval Augmented Generation Examples?

Retrieval-augmented generation has been applied in various natural language processing tasks, and several examples showcase the effectiveness of this hybrid approach. Here are some retrieval augmented generation use cases and examples:

Chatbots and Conversational Agents

Retrieval-augmented generation is commonly used in chatbot applications. A retrieval model can fetch relevant information from a knowledge base, and a generation model can then generate contextually appropriate and fluent responses.

Example: OpenAI's ChatGPT, which uses a combination of retrieval and generation techniques to provide dynamic and context-aware conversational responses.

Question Answering Systems

In question answering tasks, a retrieval model can identify relevant passages or documents, and a generation model can create detailed and coherent answers based on the retrieved information.

Example: T5 (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer) models have been used for question answering, where the input is formulated as a question, and the model generates the answer.

Content Creation

Retrieval-augmented generation can be applied to content creation tasks, such as article writing or summarization. The retrieval model fetches relevant information, and the generation model produces well-formed and coherent content.

Example: A system that retrieves key information about a topic and generates a comprehensive article or summary.

Medical Diagnosis and Consultation

In healthcare applications, retrieval-augmented generation can assist in medical diagnosis and consultation. A retrieval model can fetch relevant medical information, and a generation model can provide personalized and contextually relevant advice.

Example: A system that retrieves relevant medical studies or cases and generates explanations or recommendations for specific patient conditions.

Code Generation

Retrieval-augmented generation can be employed in code-generation tasks. A retrieval model may retrieve relevant code snippets, and a generation model can then adapt and extend the code to meet specific requirements.

Example: A system that fetches code examples from a repository and generates code snippets for a given programming problem.

Personal Assistant Applications

In personal assistant applications, retrieval-augmented generation can assist in providing relevant information and responses to user queries.

Example: A virtual assistant that retrieves information about events, weather, or news and generates natural language responses to user queries.

What is Retrieval Augmented Generation Software?

Retrieval-augmented generation software provides a powerful approach in natural language processing (NLP) tasks by combining the strengths of retrieval-based methods and generation-based methods. This results in systems that can provide accurate, contextually relevant, and engaging responses across a range of applications.

What are the Retrieval Augmented Generation Best Practices?

Here are some best practices to consider when working with a retrieval augmented generation AI framework:

  • Clearly Define Task Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of your task. Understand whether the primary goal is to provide accurate and factual information (retrieval) or to generate creative and contextually appropriate responses (generation). Striking the right balance is crucial.
  • Use a Quality Knowledge Base: Build or use a high-quality knowledge base for retrieval. The success of the retrieval component depends on the relevance and accuracy of the information available in the knowledge base.
  • Choose Appropriate Retrieval Model: Select a retrieval model that aligns with your task requirements. Consider methods such as TF-IDF, BM25, or neural retrievers depending on the complexity of your task and the size of your knowledge base.
  • Pre-train Retrieval Model if Necessary: Pre-training a retrieval model on domain-specific knowledge or a large corpus can enhance its ability to understand context and retrieve relevant information effectively.
  • Fine-tune Generation Model: If using a pre-trained language model for generation, fine-tune it on task-specific data to adapt it to the specific characteristics of your retrieval-augmented generation task.
  • Integrate Retrieval and Generation Flawlessly: Ensure a seamless integration between the retrieval and generation components. The retrieved information should serve as meaningful context for the generation model to produce coherent and contextually relevant responses.
  • Experiment with Context Representation: Explore different ways of representing the retrieved context. You may concatenate, merge, or otherwise combine the retrieval context with the input to the generation model. Experimentation will help identify the most effective approach.
  • Address Knowledge Base Updates: Regularly update the knowledge base to ensure that the retrieval component remains accurate and up-to-date. Changes in the external environment may require updates to the knowledge base.
  • Optimize for Efficiency: Consider the efficiency of your retrieval and generation processes, especially in real-time applications. Optimize the implementation for quick response times, especially if the system needs to handle user queries in near real-time.
  • Evaluate System Performance: Establish clear retrieval augmented generation evaluation metrics that assess both the retrieval and generation components. Metrics may include retrieval accuracy, fluency, coherence, and task-specific metrics. Use both automated and human evaluation to get a comprehensive understanding of performance.
  • Ethical Considerations: Be aware of ethical considerations, especially when dealing with potentially biased or sensitive information. Implement mechanisms to handle and mitigate bias in both retrieval and generation processes.
  • User Feedback and Iteration: Gather user feedback and iterate on the system based on real-world usage. This iterative process helps in refining both the retrieval and generation components to better meet user expectations.

What are the Benefits of Retrieval Augmented Generation?

Retrieval-augmented generation offers several benefits, making it a powerful approach in natural language processing tasks. Here are some key advantages:

  • Factual Accuracy: Retrieval models provide access to factual and accurate information from a knowledge base. This ensures that the generated responses have a strong foundation in real-world data, enhancing the reliability of the system.
  • Context Awareness: The retrieval component brings in relevant context from a knowledge base, allowing the generation model to be context-aware. This helps in producing more coherent and contextually relevant responses, especially in conversational and question answering tasks.
  • Flexibility and Creativity: The generation model adds flexibility and creativity to the responses. It can refine, paraphrase, or extend the retrieved information, making the system capable of generating diverse and contextually appropriate language.
  • Adaptability to Various Tasks: Retrieval-augmented generation can be applied to a wide range of natural language processing tasks, including question answering, chatbots, content creation, and more. This versatility makes it adaptable to various use cases.
  • Knowledge Integration: The model can integrate external knowledge bases seamlessly. This is valuable in situations where information from a specific knowledge base is crucial for generating accurate and contextually relevant responses.
  • Enhanced Performance: Combining retrieval and generation often leads to enhanced overall system performance. Retrieval ensures accurate information retrieval, while generation provides the flexibility to generate linguistically rich and coherent responses.
  • Reduced Ambiguity: The retrieval component can help reduce ambiguity in user queries by providing additional context. This makes it easier for the generation model to understand the user's intent and generate more accurate responses.
  • Efficient Use of Resources: By leveraging pre-existing knowledge bases and retrieval models, RAG systems can efficiently utilize available resources. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with large amounts of information.
  • Improved User Experience: Users often prefer systems that can provide accurate and contextually relevant information quickly. RAG improves user experience by delivering responses that balance accuracy and fluency.
  • Real-time Interaction: In applications such as chatbots or virtual assistants, where real-time interaction is essential, the RAG approach allows for quick access to relevant information while maintaining the ability to generate dynamic responses.
  • Transfer Learning: Pre-trained models used in both the retrieval and generation components enable transfer learning. This is advantageous when there is limited task-specific data, as the models have already learned from diverse and extensive datasets during pre-training.
  • Mitigation of Information Gaps: RAG can help mitigate information gaps by providing relevant information even when the generation model lacks sufficient knowledge. This is particularly useful in scenarios where the knowledge base contains specialized or domain-specific information.

How Can Synthetic Data Enhance RAG Models?

Synthetic data can enhance Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) models in several ways, contributing to improved performance and robustness. Here are some ways in which synthetic data can be beneficial for RAG models:

Data Collection

  • Challenge: Data collection for RAG models requires not only a sufficient quantity but also the right type and variety for effective training.
  • Synthetic Data Use:
    • RAG Model Bootstrapping: Synthetic datasets can be used for initial RAG model development when real data is scarce or sensitive, providing a foundation for early training.
    • Domain Enhancements: Synthetic data helps enhance RAG models with domain-specific topics and styles, improving real-world query performance.
    • Diversity and Ethics: Synthetic data fosters cultural, ethical, and linguistic diversity in RAG models, ensuring equitable and context-aware responses.

Expanding Knowledge Sources and Indexing

  • Challenge: Expanding knowledge bases and implementing dynamic indexing are crucial pre-processing steps.
  • Synthetic Data Use:
    • Knowledge Base Expansion: Synthetic data can broaden knowledge bases, filling informational gaps, and improving model references.
    • Dynamic Indexing: Synthetic data aids in crafting and refining flexible indexing strategies, enhancing retrieval accuracy.


  • Challenge: Retrieval is a critical part of RAG systems, allowing models to integrate contextual information for response generation.
  • Synthetic Data Use:
    • Semantic Search Enhancement: Synthetic queries can be used to test and enhance semantic search algorithms, ensuring varied intents and complexities are handled effectively.

Large Language Model Fine-tuning

  • Challenge: Fine-tuning involves adjusting model parameters for specific tasks and domains, optimizing performance for targeted applications.
  • Synthetic Data Use:
    • Privacy-conscious Fine-tuning: Synthetic data, especially when employing differential privacy, supports secure adaptation to real-world data.
    • Prompt Augmentation: Synthetic data enhances understanding and response generation during fine-tuning.

RAG Responses

  • Challenge: Enhancing the quality of RAG responses is crucial for scaling solutions effectively.
  • Synthetic Data Use:
    • Response Enrichment: Synthetic data adds context and realism to responses, improving their quality.
    • Tabular Augmentation: Synthetic tabular data enhances responses, providing better visuals and analytics.

Evaluation and Testing

  • Challenge: Generalizability is crucial to ensure RAG models consistently deliver accurate and useful responses.
  • Synthetic Data Use:
    • Edge Case Evaluation: Synthetic scenarios are useful for assessing model performance on rare events and anomalies.
    • Hallucination Detection: Synthetic data helps evaluate the model's ability to identify and mitigate hallucinated content.
    • Adversarial Challenges: Synthetic adversarial inputs test model resilience for robust reasoning and application.

Synthetic data plays a vital role in addressing challenges at various stages of RAG model development, contributing to improved performance, robustness, and adaptability in real-world scenarios.

Figure 2. Similar to the MLOps lifecycle, enhancing a RAG model with synthetic data results in continuous improvements across the different stages of data collection, fine tuning, evaluation, and testing.

Does Gretel Provide Retrieval Augmented Generation Solutions?

Increasingly, enterprises are intensifying their efforts to unlock value from generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) for domain-specific tasks. These efforts extend to advanced techniques such as RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation). The role of synthetic data in advancing the evaluation and development of RAG techniques is paramount. Gretel’s Tabular LLM model can be applied to generate synthetic datasets to optimize RAG solutions. This facilitates the generation of realistic and varied questions and answers, bolstering the robustness of RAG systems.

Learn more about how Gretel.ai’s retrieval augmented generation solutions can empower your team today.